Maui’s red dirt keeps you digging for more.

sunny_red_dirtReturn from Maui and you’re sure to remember red dirt. It’s ever present. Add a little water and voila, you have red mud. Either way, you’ll be reminded long after you leave. For some reason, washing with soap and water ‘sorta’ works. Scrub a dub on the hands and feet and you’ll remove most of it, but not all of it. Rub a little red dirt on your clothing and you’ll be presented with a new challenge.

Ok – enough about the difficulties of red dirt removal.

When hiking back country of Hawai’i, I look forward to long hikes along red dirt roads. I love the smell, the color and contrast it creates with anything nearby.

Red dirt speaks aloha.

Published by David Avery

Husband. Cyclist. Photog. And someone who is an outdoor enthusiast, lover of German beer and all things ocean.

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